If you’ve ever wondered when the absolute best time to visit an emergency room is, I can tell you. It is at one thirty in the morning, on a Tuesday, in January, during a blizzard.
All tagged twin mom
If you’ve ever wondered when the absolute best time to visit an emergency room is, I can tell you. It is at one thirty in the morning, on a Tuesday, in January, during a blizzard.
Before I had the twins I was certain I wouldn’t be the mom who dresses her kids in matching outfits. I figured doing so would require a lot of organizational drawer-stuffing and planning that was beyond me.
Ontario Community Newspapers Association, Better Newspapers Competition “Columnist of the Year, 2018”
With the twins, I seem to have an unshakable idea in my mind that things should be fair. I suppose it’s the nature of there being two babies, and wanting to ensure they’re each given a good upbringing.
We all want a child that keeps up with the (baby) Jones’, each step of the way.
Sometimes mothers of newborns say “my baby is sleeping so well.” This is funny, because all newborns sleep well, at least during the day.
Truth be told, I thought I was a pretty effective multitasker, up until I had children. Now I’m black-belt level master.
As a non-parent, there are things about parents’ behaviours that you find perplexing. Why do they talk about poop so much? Why do they cry when they talk about their kids? Why do they want to go to baby showers?
I’ve been reading an incredible amount in the past few weeks. Breastfeeding up to 14 hours a day provides plenty of time for it. Today I was shown an article that touched on the difficult topic of fertility and the choice to pursue pregnancy.
I fancy myself an independent person. Here’s an example: when I lived alone and wanted to move furniture, instead of waiting for a friend to drop by, I’d huff-and-puff and inch that completely-full dresser across the room corner by corner until it was placed just right. Some people might call this stubborn, but I prefer to think of it as a get-it-done attitude.
The early weeks of motherhood hit you like a transport truck. The extreme sleep deprivation, in particular, plays tricks on your brain. In the hours between 2 and 6 a.m., I’m often not sure if I’m awake, in a waking dream, or hallucinating.
Newborn babies eat every two to three hours, and approximately 8 to 10 times per day. For the past couple of months, day and night, I have been tethered to a newborn baby for approximately 30-45 minutes each, 8 or more times per day.
I once read a famous celebrity comment on her impending motherhood. She hoped having children would make her less selfish.